Laguna Approximation
Laguna Approximation
Tender Reconstruction
Tender Reconstruction
Louis The Lucky VII
Louis The Lucky VII
Eleanor of Aquanet
Eleanor of Aquanet
7 Frazier Mountain Road
7 Frazier Mountain Road
Ralph Loren
Ralph Loren
Aunt Edna's Renovation
Aunt Edna's Renovation
Valley Garden
Valley Garden
Conway Twitty Goes to the Lilith Fair
Conway Twitty Goes to the Lilith Fair
Dixieland Pied à Terre
Dixieland Pied à Terre
Laguna Approximation
Laguna Approximationcarpet, airbrushed acrylic, picture molding82" x 106"2017
Tender Reconstruction
Tender Reconstructioncarpet, airbrushed acrylic, picture molding, stain94" x 40"2017
Louis The Lucky VII
Louis The Lucky VIIairbrushed acrylic on carpet16" x 13" 2017
Eleanor of Aquanet
Eleanor of Aquanetairbrushed acrylic on carpet16" x 13"2017
7 Frazier Mountain Road
7 Frazier Mountain Roadairbrushed acrylic on carpet22" x 27"2017
Ralph Loren
Ralph Lorenmirrored mylar, acrylic, organza, batting, on panel76" x 46"2017
Aunt Edna's Renovation
Aunt Edna's Renovationcarpet, airbrushed acrylic, latex, grommets38" x 13"2017
Valley Garden
Valley Gardencarpet, airbrushed acrylic, picture molding, stain64" x 108"2017
Conway Twitty Goes to the Lilith Fair
Conway Twitty Goes to the Lilith Fair acrylic on printed crushed velvet36" x 30"2017
Dixieland Pied à Terre
Dixieland Pied à Terreacrylic on printed crushed velvet36" x 30"2017
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